The development of today’s generation is no longer dominated by the generation of Builders or Boomers, but has begun to be dominated by generations X, Y (millennial), and Z, even the Alpha generation is also taking place more or less for consideration in determining government policies. Generation X, Y, and Z that dominate the dynamics of society are generations who are information literate in the network (online / online), all activities are carried out using a lot of electronic media, the internet, and smart cell phones, ranging from just digging for information, shopping, traveling , make transactions, and other activities that are in the network.
Online culture that has “mushroomed” in the dominant generation in the community is one of the factors that can influence law enforcement in the community. The Court, in this case the Supreme Court, in addition to trying to provide simple, fast and low-cost services for justice seekers, also seeks to design electronic services that make it easier for online justice seekers to access.
The efforts of the Supreme Court in realizing the administration of cases in the courts electronically have been initiated by the issuance of Perma No. 03 of 2018 concerning Administrative Matters in Courts Electronically. However, with various considerations, until now access to use electronic services is still limited to advocates. while individual administrative services, even though they have been set up as one of the eligible users, still cannot access because there is no SK KMA that regulates it.
Read too : Effectiveness of Substitute Registrar As Information and Complaints Officer
In addition to the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Home Affairs through the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registry has developed population data web-services since 2014. This service has even been used by many parties, both from ministries, non-ministerial institutions, telecommunications services and banking services, particularly to validate population data.
The difference in the scope of responsibilities between the Supreme Court and the Ministry of Home Affairs is one of the diversity within the government of the Republic of Indonesia. Using a collaborative approach, governments from all sectors within a broader scope of coordination can achieve the goals of better polic
Based on the introduction that has been described, the author establishes two things that are the main focus of this article, namely: 1) What is the current condition of e-filling ?; and 2) How is the concept of increasing e-filling with the integration of the Ministry of Home Affairs Dukcapil web-services?
The Judicial Reform Blueprint establishes many change efforts to address the needs and satisfaction of court users. Among these efforts are simplifying litigation processes and enhancing the role of information technology.9 The application of e-Filling is one of the efforts of the Supreme Court to accelerate access to justice by online registration and to create a comprehensive and reintegrating information technology management system, to facilitate and accelerate the implementation of tasks and function. The concept that has been running up to now can still be further improved, by making updates and taking into account the demands and developments of the times which requires the case administration services in court more effectively and efficiently.